I watched the interview w/ the Crocodile Hunter's Wife last week.
It was obvious she loved him & he her. It was heartbreakign when she said, "I have lost my Prince. I have lost my Prince."
You could tell that Steve, her DH, had such a zest for life.
What struck me the most & I found so inspiring was her acceptance of WHO he was. She did not try to change him, never did. Their honeymoon was unexpectedly spent chasing down a crocodile that was in danger. Crikey! Imagine?
Imagine if she would have tried to say: I love you BUT can you stay home for awhile? I'm tired of the swamp life, I need you home, we need you home, why don't you get a steady job & go take a shower! kwim?
She said he taught her how to have FUN & that was what she would miss the most. He taught her it was OK if you got some dirt on your clothes. Also it was obvious from home videos & testimonies that he lived life to the fullest, taking NOTHING for granted, day by day. He loved his children.
What an inspiring passionate marriage & love they shared. I also took note of the fact that she accompanied him on many of his adventures. His adventures were her adventures. It brought them closer & made thier marital relationship even stronger, it seems.
I hope that I can be such a wife. One that encourages & my own DH's passions, dreams & visions.
Do you inspire your DH passions?
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